Useful Websites
Great Pumpkin Commonwealth (GPC)
The GPC is the worldwide governing body of giant pumpkin growing. They are responsible for establishing standards and regulations that ensure quality of fruit, fairness of competition, recognition of achievement, fellowship and education for all participating growers and weigh-off sites. There are many resources on this site, including weight calculators, weigh-off dates/locations, and a PDF of official GPC rules for all recognized fruit.
Jack’s Stats
Jack’s Stats is a huge database of statistics, lists, and records of all GPC-recognized fruit. You can look up anything from state records, to site record holders, to heaviest pumpkins by year, and more!
Giant Pumpkin Genetics
Want to learn more about the genetics of the seeds in your MePGO seed packet? This website allows you to view family trees, photos, and detailed information about your seeds.
GPC Weigh-Offs
A comprehensive list of all GPC-recognized weigh-offs with site details. For Maine-only weigh-offs (including non-GPC weigh-offs), check out our Weigh-Offs page.
GPC Weigh-Off Results
This is a comprehensive list of all results from GPC events. You can organize it by weigh-off site or by fruit type. is an interactive website for the giant pumpkin growing community. View grower diaries, acquire seeds through club auctions, and correspond with other grower in their message board.
Social Media Groups
Social media is a great way to stay active with the giant pumpkin community. Two Facebook groups that are good resources for giant pumpkin growers are Back Yard Giant Pumpkin Growers (just giant pumpkins) and Garden of Giants (giant pumpkins PLUS all other giant vegetables).
University of Maine Soil Testing Service
If you could do one thing to improve your pumpkin patch, get a soil test! The University of Maine offers soil testing services at a reasonable price, and they offer recommendations on amendments if you have any deficiencies.